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 Publication Describing ECCO Version 4, Release 1 (ECCO V4r1) is Published
[May-2015] Following the February 2014 release of a new-generaption, global, bi-decadal state estimate (ECCO Version 4, release 1), a paper has been published and highlighted in Geoscientific Model Development that provides a detailed description of the model and estimation configuration, the observational data streams, and basic properties of the solution.
Forget, G., Campin, J.M., Heimbach, P., Hill, C.N., Ponte, R.M., and Wunsch, C. (2015). ECCO version 4: An integrated framework for non-linear inverse modeling and global ocean state estimation, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3071-3104, doi: 10.5194/gmd-8-3071-2015.