
Media: 93
Research Roundup 2024
Air-Sea Carbon Flux. How Much? Where? Why?
Seamounts Seriously Stir our Seas
From the Bottom of the Ocean to the Top of the Atmosphere
Ocean Winds & Microplastics
Ocean Winds & Microplastics
Scattering of Mangroves
Zooming in on Greenland’s Ice Loss
A Tale of Two Coastlines
Research Roundup 2023
What’s Baking the Bering Sea?
Small Scales, Big Impacts
Our Ocean Pushes Back Storymap Cover
Our Ocean Pushes Back
Storymap cover
What Drives ’Nose Dives’ in Gray Whale Populations?
Storymap cover
Wind at Work
Storymap cover
Less Ice, More Blooms?
Storymap cover
Deep Ocean Slowdown?
Storymap cover
Deep Water Action in the Weddell Sea
Storymap cover
River Triggers Intense Coastal Outgassing
From Micro to Global
How Does the Ocean Affect Earth’s Wobble?
Our Ocean’s Heat Hideaways
Life & Water Level
How Deep is Your Heat?
How Deep is Your Heat?
ECCO Research Roundup 2022
ECCO Research Roundup 2022
The Saga of Sargassum
The Saga of Sargassum
Evolution in Resolution? ECCO to the Rescue
Evolution in Resolution? ECCO to the Rescue
Sea Surface Height Grids with Different Spatial Resolutions
There’s Sea Level Rise in Nantucket ...
There’s Sea Level Rise in Nantucket ...
Warmer waters, Faster flow
Warmer waters, Faster flow
Tightening Up the Ocean Carbon Budget
Tightening Up the Ocean Carbon Budget
Hidden Upwelling Systems Revealed
Hidden Upwelling Systems Revealed
Analyze ECCO with the Julia Language
Analyze ECCO with the Julia Language
Rain over the ocean
Monitoring Ocean Heat Below... from Above
ECCO Three-dimensional Temperature Evolution in the Southern Ocean
StoryMap cover with clouds
ECCO Research Roundup 2021
Adjoint model graphic
Origin and Fate of Surface Water
Movie cover (galaxy background)
Sea Surface Salinity Comparison from ECCO and SMAP JPL (2015-2017)
Movie cover (galaxy background)
Global Sea Level Change from ECCO V4r4 (1992-2017)
Sea ice
Teasing Apart Arctic Sea Level Change
Ocean circulation
Turning Over a New Climate
Particles in water
How Low — and Slow — Can Water Go?
Southern Ocean Influencers... both Near and Far
Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE)
Animation depicting four gridded, daily time series from the ECCO V4r4 data products
ECCO V4r4 Datasets Daily Animation (1992-2018)
ECCO Two-dimensional Evolution of Six Oceanographic Parameters in the Southern Ocean
Storymap cover
Salt, Saildrones, SMAP & ECCO
Storymap cover
Research Roundup 2020
Ocean surface winds and CO2 flux
Ocean Surface CO2 Flux with Surface Winds
Ocean currents circulating around Pine Island Bay and flowing under the Pine Island Glacier
Ocean Flows Under the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica
Ocean flows in the Pacific ocean
Ocean Flows in the Pacific
Ocean flows in the Altantic ocean
Ocean Flows in the Atlantic
Ocean flows around southeast Asia
Ocean Flows around Southeast Asia
Ocean flows off the west coast of the United States
Ocean Flows off the US West Coast
Ocean flows off the East coast of the United States
Ocean Flows off the US East Coast
Storymap cover
How do you Build the World’s Best Ocean Carbon Model?
Storymap cover
What Earthquakes Can Tell Us About Ocean Warming
Storymap cover
Sensitive Spots and How to Find Them
Storymap cover
Defining the Fluid Nature of Ocean Ecosystems
Ocean currents from the ECCO-2 model
Gulf Stream Ocean Current
Sea ice
ECCO: Integrating Ocean & Ice
ECCO logo
Ocean waves
What Moves ECCO Ahead?
Global mean time-series of sea level and ocean bottom pressure
Global Mean Time-series Comparison
Greenland current
The Greenland Current
Data from the oceans and ice
Jakobshavn’s Interrupted Thinning
Relative vorticity calculated using hourly U and V from the ECCO llc4320 simulation
ECCO llc4320 Relative Vorticity in the Indian Ocean Sector of the Southern Ocean
Dynamic sea surface height anomaly from ECCO Version 4 release 3
Global Sea Level Anomaly 1992-2015, ECCO Version 4 Release 3
Ocean currents
Ocean Flows
Slices of Earth observational and modeling data
Earth: A System of Systems
Ocean surface CO2 flux between 1/1/2009 and 12/31/2010
Ocean Surface CO2 Flux with Wind Stress
Garbage patch visualization
Garbage Patch Visualization Experiment
Distribution of phytoplankton the the world’s oceans
Modeled Phytoplankton Communities (Rotating Globe)
Distribution of four types of phytoplankton
Modeled Phytoplankton Communities (Mollweide Projection)
View of sea surface temperature centered on Indonesia
Sea Surface Temperature (Indonesia)
View of sea surface temperature centered on the Americas
Sea Surface Temperature (Americas)
Global view of sea surface temperature
Sea Surface Temperature
Composite of wind/ocean circulation layers
Wind and Ocean Circulation
Gulf Stream currents
Wind and Ocean Circulation
Drill site location on the Pine Island ice shelf
Pine Island Ice Shelf
Coronal mass ejection
Excerpt from Dynamic Earth
Circulation of Ocean Currents West of Antarctica
Sea surface current flows
Global Sea Surface Currents and Temperature
Gulf Stream sea surface currents
Gulf Stream Sea Surface Currents and Temperatures
Global view of sea surface temperatures
Sea Surface Temperature and Flows
Sea surface speeds simulated in very high resolution
Simulated Sea Surface Speeds
Sea surface speeds simulated in very high resolution
Simulated Sea Surface Speeds at the Drake Passage
Ocean currents
Perpetual Ocean
Surface flows colored by sea surface temperature
Aquarius Studies Ocean and Wind Flows
Surface flows colored by sea surface temperature
Aquarius Studies Ocean and Wind Flows
Ocean current flows
Flat Map Flows with SST
Ocean current flows in the Mediterranean
Ocean Current Flows in the Mediterranean Sea
Global view of sea surface temperature
Components of the Water Cycle
Global view of sea surface temperature
Global SST Model (ECCO)